“Free after Points” Floor Products, Potential “Money” – maker!

2 Nov

MyPoints is a shopping portal, just like the Ultimate Rewards mall or TopCashBack, all of which I have discussed at length. One of my rules is to make as many purchases through portals as possible!

Here is the deal:

1. Sign up for MyPoints. It would be wonderful if you would allow me to send you a referral; email your first name and the first letter of your last name to thewingtipper@gmail.com. I earn a tiny bonus when you join and a 10% bonus on the points you earn. I’ll let you know what that’s worth to me further along.

2. Purchase two participating Pledge products from Walmart, as shown in the image below. The note says in store purchases only; I wonder if site to store would work – and expect it would – but am going to quit while I’m head and purchase directly at the store. Prices start at $3.97 + tax.  You could use a Walmart gift card purchased through Cardpool.com to save an extra 2.5%. (Yes, I earn a credit there if you use my link.)


3. Follow the directions in the image, which includes scanning in your Walmart receipt and sending it with a copy of the image via email or snail mail.

4. Wait until your points post. With the purchase of two participating Pledge products, you should earn a 2,000 point credit. If you are a new MyPoints member, you should actually earn double points in your first few months of membership; this promotion may earn you 4,000 points!

5. Redeem your points for gift cards. Below is a screen shot of a few qualifying gift cards that will cost you under 2,000 points.



So, to recap – you’ll join MyPoints if you aren’t already a member. You’ll spend about $8 + tax on flooring products. You’ll submit an email which will result in a 2,000 point bonus (potentially 4,000 points for new members). You’ll redeem that 2,000 point bonus for a $10 gift card, or wait until you have more points because the value of your points increases with a bigger award redemption. (To illustrate, a $25 Shell gift card costs 3,950 points, or 158 points/dollar. A $10 Shell gift card costs 1,750 points, or 175 points/dollar. You save 10% by redeeming larger rewards!)

I look at this as free floor products because you’ll earn back at least what you spent on these products. What do you think? Hope to hear from you at thewingtipper@gmail.com so I can share a referral code with you! For each referral, I’ll earn 25 points plus 10% of the 2,000 point incentive – or 225 points total. It’s only worth about $1.50, but I appreciate your support and hope to alert you to more MyPoints deals in the future!


(One last note about MyPoints…you can generally do much better shopping through TopCashBack, Ultimate Rewards, FatWallet etc. However, these big promotions are unique to MyPoints and a great deal! Last year, I got about $500 worth of free gourmet kitchen products through MyPoints. They have great service and I recommend them for this exact type of promotion.)

One Response to ““Free after Points” Floor Products, Potential “Money” – maker!”


  1. Free Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Products | wingtips - March 3, 2014

    […] I have a chance tomorrow, I’ll go scan the aisle and get the price info for you. Recall the Pledge promotion was a little money maker on great floor care […]

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